GBTC Mataró


Carrer Santa Teresa, 45
Mataró, España

Monday to Friday
10:00 a 14:00 – 16:00 a 20:00

10:00 a 14:00


Buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in Mataró

At GBTC Mataró, we specialise in offering you comprehensive services for handling Bitcoin and a wide range of cryptocurrencies. With personalised advice, we facilitate your buying and selling transactions, ensuring a secure and efficient experience. Also, discover our selection of crypto-related products and unique merchandising, designed especially for enthusiasts like you.

Exclusive Services at GBTC Mataró

At GBTC Mataró, we pride ourselves on offering personalised services in the world of cryptocurrencies. We focus on understanding and catering to the individual needs of each client, so that their experience is both valuable and secure.

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Expert Advice on Cryptoassets

We know that the world of cryptocurrencies can be intimidating for new users. That's why, at our Mataró shop, we provide personalised, expert advice, helping you understand the basics and guiding you through safe and efficient transactions.

Secure and Professional Cryptocurrency Transactions

Security in cryptocurrency transactions is our priority. At GBTC Mataró, we ensure that your transactions are carried out in a secure environment, using state-of-the-art technology and following strict security protocols.

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Variety of Cryptocurrencies

We offer an extensive range of cryptocurrencies to buy and sell, including major coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as emerging altcoins. This variety allows you to choose the cryptocurrencies that best suit your investment plans and financial goals.

Bitcoin ATM in Mataró

At the Mataró shop, we offer a cryptocurrency ATM accessible during shop opening hours. This service provides a convenient and secure way to manage your cryptoassets, facilitating both buying and selling operations.

crypto atm

Easy to operate

Our cash machine in Mataró stands out for its ease of use, ideal for both buying and selling cryptocurrencies with cash. We offer clear instructions and in-store assistance to ensure your experience is smooth and hassle-free.

Transaction Agility

Transactions at our ATM are fast and efficient, allowing immediate access to your funds. This speed is essential to provide a satisfactory experience for both regular users and those seeking convenience and efficiency.

Security and Safety

Security is a fundamental aspect of our operations. The ATM in Mataró is equipped with advanced technology to protect your data and funds. We implement strict security measures to ensure that every transaction is private and secure, giving you peace of mind with every transaction.


Here we answer the most common queries

How can I start buying or selling cryptocurrencies in Mataró?

First, register on our platform at or via the QR code in our shop. Provide your name, email, nationality and a valid form of identification (Passport, NIF, CIF, DNI or NIE).

Our store in Mataró provides cryptocurrency buying and selling services, expert advice, technical support and introductory cryptocurrency training for newcomers to the field.

Current commissions are 7% for purchases and 4% for sales of cryptocurrencies. These fees may be adjusted according to market fluctuations. 

Yes, the limits depend on your KYC level. Initially, for Spanish residents, the limit is 999€ per month and for non-residents, 9999€ per month. On completion of KYC 2, these limits rise significantly.

Regulations require us to follow an identification process for all purchases, so it is not possible to make completely anonymous purchases.

At Mataró, we emphasise the importance of conducting cryptocurrency transactions in a secure and regulated environment. P2P transactions can present significant risks, including the possibility of becoming a victim of fraud. Our focus is on providing a secure and regulated service for all your cryptocurrency needs.


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