GBTC Valencia


Carrer de les Garrigues, 1
Valencia, España

10:00 a 14:00 – 16:30 a 20:00

10:00 a 14:00 – 17:00 a 20:00

Wednesday to Friday:
10:00 a 14:00 – 16:30 a 20:00


11:00 – 14:00


Buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in Valencia

At GBTC Valencia, we offer a complete service for buying and selling Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. With expert and personalised advice, we guarantee secure and efficient operations. In addition, we have a variety of crypto products and exclusive merchandising, perfect for enthusiasts and professionals in the sector.

Exclusive Services at GBTC Valencia

At GBTC Valencia, we specialise in offering a unique experience in the world of cryptocurrencies. We are dedicated to understanding and catering to the specific needs of each client, ensuring that every visit is valuable and secure.

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Expert and Personalised Advice

The cryptocurrency environment can be challenging, especially for beginners. That's why we provide personalised, expert advice in our Valencia shop, helping you understand the basics and guiding you through secure transactions.

Secure and Professional Transactions

At GBTC Valencia, security is paramount in all cryptocurrency transactions. Your transactions are carried out in a secure environment, handled with professionalism, using state-of-the-art technology and rigorous security protocols.

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Diversity in Cryptocurrency Options

We offer a wide range of cryptocurrencies for buying and selling, including popular options such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as emerging altcoins. This variety allows our clients to choose the cryptocurrencies that best suit their investment strategies and financial objectives.

Bitcoin ATM in Valencia

In our Valencia shop, we offer a cryptocurrency ATM accessible during opening hours. This service allows you to make cryptocurrency transactions efficiently and securely, facilitating both the buying and selling of your digital assets.

crypto atm

Ease of Use for the Client

The Valencia ATM has been designed with ease of use in mind. Whether you want to buy cryptocurrencies with cash or sell your cryptoassets, you'll find a clear and simple process. We have in-store assistance to help you every step of the way, ensuring a stress-free experience.

Instant Operations

Transactions with our ATM in Valencia are fast and convenient, allowing you to access your funds immediately. This level of efficiency is essential for those looking for speed and convenience in their cryptocurrency transactions.

Highest Security

The security of your transactions is a priority at our Valencia shop. The cashier is equipped with advanced technology to protect your data and funds at all times. With robust security measures in place, we ensure that your transactions are confidential and secure, giving you peace of mind every time you deal with us.


 Here we answer the most common queries

How can I start trading cryptocurrencies in the Valencia store?

Para iniciar, regístrese en nuestra plataforma o utilice el código QR en nuestra tienda. Proporcione detalles como su nombre, correo electrónico, nacionalidad y documento identificativo.

Además de la compra y venta de criptomonedas, ofrecemos asesoramiento personalizado, soporte técnico y formación básica para principiantes en criptomonedas.

Las comisiones en Valencia son del 6% para la compra y venta de criptomonedas. Estas pueden variar dependiendo de las condiciones del mercado.

Sí, los límites dependen de su nivel de KYC. Los residentes españoles tienen un límite inicial de 999€ mensuales, mientras que para no residentes es de 9999€. Estos límites aumentan al completar el nivel KYC 2.

Necesita proporcionar tres fotos de su documento identificativo en nuestra web: una frontal, una trasera y un selfie con el documento.

No fomentamos ni facilitamos transacciones P2P en nuestra tienda debido a los riesgos asociados, como fraudes o estafas. Proporcionamos un entorno seguro y regulado para todas las transacciones de criptomonedas.

Ofrecemos una amplia selección de criptomonedas, excepto algunas muy específicas o exclusivas de exchanges descentralizados. Ayudamos a los clientes a obtener la criptomoneda deseada si no la tenemos en stock.

Sí, estas operaciones son posibles tras alcanzar el nivel KYC 2. Para transacciones a través de nuestro Exchange online, es necesario el nivel KYC 3.

Sí, además de la compraventa de criptomonedas, nuestra tienda en Valencia también acepta intercambio de dólares y euros en efectivo.


Contacta con nosotros

Si quieres explayarte lo mejor es rellenar tus datos y enviarnos un mensaje para que podamos entender tus necesidades.